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General Informations

Project period

36 months

Expected results

  1. Formation and promotion of a group of Nicaraguan experts for management and rehabilitation of contaminated sites, especially in bioremediation
  2. Interactive open-access research website for bioremediation
  3. Establishment of experimental sites, analysis of their soil and collections of plants and micro-organisms in Nicaragua and Peru
  4. Empowerment of Mesapata pilot plant system in Peru
  5. Training of PhD students from UNAN and UNSAM in UNIVIE about structure and function of plants (Katy Medina)
  6. Training of a PhD student from UNIVIE in UNAN about soil microbes (Stefan Sassmann)
  7. Training of members of UNAN in UNASAM for the establishment of an own post-gad curriculum for management of contaminated sites
  8. Installation of a streaming system for electronic transfer of lectures and lab courses given in the partner institutions and of a common eLearning platform concerning hm relevant topics
  9. Interactive database, collection of scientific information, providing know-how exchange
  10. Publication of scientific results in scientific journals.
  11. Lectures and production of informative texts and photo/video material about the outcome of know-how exchange for the population who lives near Crucitas mine
  12. Co-operation in each other´s scientific investigations and education, especially in the established post-graduate course of UNASAM and in the development of a post-grad curriculum in UNAN

Main relevant activities

  1. Establishment of an adequate education infrastructure and curriculum for diploma and post-graduate studies of management and rehabilitation of contaminated sites, especially in the field of bioremediation and natural attenuation at IGG/CIGEO in Managua.
  2. Establishment of streaming technology at all involved partners to participate each other´s research and education activities, field studies, video conference, etc.
  3. Establishment of project website and bioremediation database.
  4. Production of video clips as result of interactive action learning processes by streaming technology, providing of videos at project website.
  5. Determination of 2 appropriate sites, preferably in property of the universities in Managua and Austria, preparation for experimental plants, selection of plants and micro-organisms, training of staff, final establishment of experimental plantations.
  6. Improvement of Mesapata experimental site.
  7. Collection of scientific information and investigation results, data input, online tools for users, open source providing information about our results in a project database.
  8. Collection of adequate plants and microorganisms for investigations on bioremediation.
  9. Mutual field research expeditions and meetings of scientists in Nicaragua, Peru and Europe.
  10. Exchange of know-how by co-operation in each other´s scientific investigations via internet and in working groups, exchange of plants and micro-organisms for mutual research activities.
  11. Individual training for students of UNAN and UNASAM at UNIVIE and of UNIVIE in UNAN
  12. Annual reports, final report, publications in scientific journals of north and south.



University of Vienna
Core Facility
Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research
Althanstrasse 14
A-1090 Vienna
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0